Monday, January 31, 2011

Farming Cake

All the details on this cake are made from buttercream and making animals just out of frosting might be the most difficult thing I have done so far!


It's getting close to Valentine's Day!

Toy Story

This is the first in a long line of Toy Story cakes we have ordered right now!

Harry Potter

The wands on this cake were made out of fondant and gum paste. It was difficult getting the details correct because all the photos I found were tiny and I also have only seen one Harry Potter movie!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Attack of the killer German Chocolate Cake Ball Batter Monster!

One of the employees of Sugar High Makery has an irrational fear of coconut. She hates German Chocolate Cake Ball Making Day! In order to make her fear more rational we decided to scare her with some German Chocolate Cake ball batter. It didn't work, she thought it was cute but we had to take it out anyway!

Cocoa Rice Krispie treats!

We happen to believe that the chocolate flavored rice krispie treats are the best by far. We can make these in most shapes, as long as we have a cookie cutter or mold!

Diva Cake!

This cake was for a 13 year old girl. It was our first attempt at making a show and a purse! Not too shabby for a first try!

The snake cake

Originally this order was for a train cake, but eventually was changed to a snake cake! We were glad because this turned out to be one of our cutest cakes so far!

The Fox and the Hound Chocolate Birthday Cake

Paul is in my Oreo Brownie of the Day club, or at least he wishes! He loves all the chocolatey treats we make and so for his birthday his friends requested the most disgustingly chocolately cake around. But Paul had already requested a Fox and the Hound cake. So we combined the two! You can't really tell but Copper and Todd have chocolate all over their paws. You also can't tell that the cake has a delicious Oreo cream brownie filling!

The perils of baking.

I posted one of these pictures on Facebook with the tagline: "I don't think the burn looks that bad." and got a crazy response! People were calling, texting and writing frantic messages on my facebook page. In reality this is what it looks like when you roll hundreds of red velvet cake balls!

Race car!

This cake was made for a good friend's stepfather's birthday. Our apprentice hand painted all of the logos and did a great job!


This cake afforded us our first opportunity to make designer cake pops! We made some "Poke-ball" cake pops and arranged them in the cake.

Loess Hills Humane Society Chili Feed

We donated this cake to the Loess Hills Humane Society for their recent Chili Feed. The cake was gigantic and by far the biggest sheet cake we have made. We heard that it was a success and we hope it helped raise a lot of money for the cause!

Max and Ruby Sledding

This cake had to travel quite a few hours to get to it's destination so we made it as sturdy as possible. It made it in once piece, thankfully!